The Arab environment and its impact on poetry throughout the ages


  • مصطفى فخرالدين جامعة كركوك/ كلية التربية للعلوم الإنسانية Author


البيئة_ الشاعر_ الاثر


    The environment the nature that is represented by the geographical location and the Bedouin or urban character it contains, and it has a great impact on building the personality of the creative writer by what surrounds him. Every human being influences and is affected by his environment according to the elements and tools it contains, so each environment affects the language of the poet by presenting his poems. Choosing the appropriate words to formulate them with the meanings and similes they carry was the instinct that arises in the subconscious and is imprinted on the taste in the soul of the writer.              

    The relationship between poetry and the environment is based on a set of laws that arise from the conditions of the environment and its variables.

