The philosophy of the relationship between grammar and pragmatics at modern researchers Interdisciplinarity


  • هاني كنهر عبدزيد العتّابيّ المديرية العامة لتربية واسط Author


كلمات مفتاحيّة: النحو، التداوليّة، الدلالة، السياق، الضمنيّ.



      This research is concerned with the problems of the relationship between grammar and modern pragmatics. The work on the grammatical heritage puts into question, based on a philosophy that is aware of all the problems and difficulties required by the process of reconciling the two sciences, and it does not work to reproduce the old as much as it subjects it to the system of questions raised by the modern approach, in the sense that it tries to go beyond the traditional understanding of Arabic grammar to an understanding more modernist than him; it explores the philosophy of the relationship between the duality (grammatical and pragmatic) of modern researchers, and it presents the opinions of researchers looking for their estimates of this relationship, their endeavor to know its limits, reveal its horizons, and its oscillation between contrast and integration, which leads to the rise in methods of dealing with Arabic grammar to what is possible. to call it modernity.

