The effect of repetition on the lexical consistency of the Qur’anic text - a pragmatic study


  • مرتضى عبد الأمير محمد السهلاني (1) جامعة الشطرة Author


التكرار- الاتساق - التداولية


    The research aims to study the role that repetition plays at its various linguistic levels in the cohesion of the Qur’anic text in form and meaning, as it is one of the secrets of its eloquence and its graphic miracle, in light of one of the most important dimensions of the modern linguistic lesson, which is the pragmatic dimension, as the Qur’anic text is full of many examples of repetition in its surahs and verses. , as a linguistic phenomenon that has discursive purposes, and these purposes are embodied by the nature of the discourse, and its textual and current contexts, and perhaps one of the most prominent purposes of this in the Holy Qur’an is its lexical consistency. Because of this consistency’s impact on persuasion and influence, and to highlight the constant characteristic of linguistic miracles in the Qur’anic text, which represents the most prominent aspects of its miracles.   

