Abandoned City (NRS)



برس , نرس , نمرود , ابراهيم الخليل عليه السلام , اشهر علماء نرس (برس), تدمير بابل.


     The city of Babylon is rich in archaeological, heritage, religious and cultural sites and cities dating back thousands of years, as it carries with it many urban treasures, some of which are still full and others have disappeared due to multiple factors (intentional or unintentional) and there are sites that have not been discovered so far and the words of prospectors and foreign researchers about Iraq in general: Whenever you dig one meter in the land of Mesopotamia, you find traces; Yes, through your wanderings in the old areas of the city of Hilla, you see a lot of ornamental houses have been built From the proud bricks of Babylon and when one of the houses is destroyed in Ancient cities you find a lot of proud bricks sealed with Babylonian Sumerian writings, and when you stand near the Bailey Bridge, you find


 a lot of proud bricks and crushed jars colored and not colored, the heart squeezes on our lost and looted heritage;  Among them: the archaeological city of (Borsiba) that you visit and find yourself in the world of Evat It is one of the ancient cities of Babylon, which dates back to the third dynasty of your, it is called (Peres) or (Press) or (Pierce Nimrod), and it has the place of the birth of Abraham Al-Khalil (peace be upon him), the place of burning Abraham, peace be upon him, and large adjacent rocks.

    One of the cities that differed many scholars in naming is Press or Nars, which was newspaper in ancient times, and although there are references to this city (Nars), which was famous for clothing and industries Various including the manufacture of cheese, shoes and others, historians pointed to it and its location near Babylon on the Wanrs River named after a village that was descended by Dahhak Purasp in Babylon and this river is attributed to it and is called by it. Nars and Narsa : One of the names of the Arabs. And the dress Narsi: hit of clothes, and the people of Iraq hit the butter Balnarsian for example for what is desirable" and the people of Iraq until these days: (kneading dates with free fat, which is one of the distinctive dishes). Al-Astrabadi said: In the margin of his book Nahj al-Maqal fi Achieving the Conditions of Men, vol. 4, p. 111, Bersi Al-Narsi is a village in Iraq, including Al-Narsi clothes.

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