The Muslim Brotherhood and their relationship with the Free Officers Organization in Egypt (1940-1954).


  • م.د محمد احمد خلف الجبوري جامعة الحمدانية / كلية التربية العلوم الانسانية Author


        The relationship between the Free Officers Organization and the Muslim Brotherhood was based on friendship, respect and cooperation, but that relationship soon changed in the wake of the revolution of July 23, 1952 AD as a result of the events that Egypt went through after the revolution and the external challenges it faced. The officers’ organization had to Al-Ahrar arranged the internal Egyptian situation, especially after the activity of the Muslim Brotherhood, which began to rise in importance in political work, which forced the organization to confront this. They dissolved the group and arrested its members. The matter later developed into an attempt by the Brotherhood to attempt to assassinate Gamal Abdel Nasser, more than once, so the group’s relationship with the government became... Throughout the years, there has been a more hostile relationship than a friendly and loving relationship between them. From this standpoint, the topic was chosen to find out the reasons that led to the deviation in the course of the relationship between the two parties.

