The Tax in the Arab Islamic state, the Two Taxes of the Josiah and  the tax in the Gorgan Region as an Example


  • د سعد الجاسمي جامعة المثنى / كلية التربية الاساسية Author


  The tribute and tax taxes are important financial resources for the Arab Islamic state.

     As for the jizyah, it is a tax collected from the able people of the Book (Ahl al-Dhimmah), Jews and Christians. Then the Magians were added to them in exchange for the Muslim Arabs defending them and their property in peace and war, and the tax is a tax paid to the Arab-Islamic state for the lands conquered by the Muslims, even if its owner converts to Islam..

     In view of the importance of the tax, especially these two taxes, as they are important resources for the treasury and the Arab Islamic state, as well as explaining the social organizational tendency of Islam, and after relying on God, we wrote the research entitled   ((The tax in the Arab Islamic state, the two taxes of the jizyah and        the tax in the Gorgan region as an example)) which consisted of axes Multiple.

