Persuasive Intelligent and Relationship to Intellectual Extremism of University students


  • م.د. سحر علي مهدي جامعة بغداد Author
  • م.د. ساندي نصرت فرنسيس جامعة بغداد Author


الذكاء الاقناعي ، التطرف الفكري ، طلبة الجامعة


The present study aims to identify: the degree of persuasive intelligence and the degree of intellectual extremism of university students identify differences are according to the gender variable (Males-Females) and specialization (Scientific – humanistic) and know the relationship between persuasive intelligence and intellectual extremism. For achieving the research's objectives, adopted the (جاسم،2018) scale of persuasive intelligence which including (22) an items and adopted the (حسين، 2019) scale intellectual extremism which including (38) an items, verified tools psychometric characteristics by administering the tools on a sample of (200) University students, The research found that the sample has persuasive intelligence, with no statistically significant differences in the variable of gender and specialization in the persuasive intelligence scale, and that the sample has a lower than average score in the intellectual extremism scale, and according to the sex variable, the result is in favor of males,  the relationship is inverse between Persuasive intelligence and intellectual extremism.

Author Biography

  • م.د. سحر علي مهدي, جامعة بغداد


