The Effectiveness off the Challenges and Possibilities strategy in improving divided thinking skills and habits of mind for the measurement and evaluation subject amoing students of the College of Basic Education


  • سعد محسن علي العكيلي جامعة سومر/ كلية التربية الاساسية Author


Identifying the strategy of challenges and potentials in improving the skills in fragmented thinking، and mental habits for the subject and evaluation of the basic objectives: (There is no statistically significant difference in the average of the scores of the first group with the strategy of challenges and potentials and the average of the second scores who will study according to the usual in a test in fragmented thinking، and the second variable is mental habits)، the experimental design was adopted for two equivalent groups، the third stage was chosen intentionally، and the equivalences were conducted for the two groups in Variables: (parents’ achievement، previous grades in the measurement and evaluation subject)، the fragmented thinking consisting of (27) paragraphs، and a scale of mental habits consisting of (64) paragraphs were carried out، which the researchers prepared the two tools based on previous studies، and the validity and reliability were calculated.


“The results showed the superiority of the first experimental group who study with the challenges and possibilities strategy over the second group who study according to the usual method in fragmented thinking،” and the superiority of the group The first experimental study was conducted on the control group in the mental habits scale، and in light of that، the researchers came up with a number of conclusions، suggestions، and recommendations، which are mentioned in the fourth chapter.

