The effectiveness of a proposed teaching model based on the theory of response criticism in the achievement of students in basic education colleges in the teaching methods course


  • hasanhasan sasa جامعة سومر Author


    The current research aims to identify:

1- Building a proposed teaching model according to the theory of response criticism.

2- Identifying the effectiveness of the proposed teaching model according to the theory of response criticism in the achievement of students in basic education colleges in the teaching methods course.

To achieve the research objectives, the researcher built a teaching model according to the assumptions of response criticism theory, which included a set of steps. For the purpose of identifying the effectiveness of the teaching model, the researcher formulated the following null hypotheses: There is no statistically significant difference at the significance level (0.05) between the average achievement scores of the experimental group students who will study using the proposed teaching model in accordance with the response criticism theory and the average achievement scores of the control group students who will study according to the normal method in the achievement test for the teaching methods course.” The research sample of students was (58) male and female students, with (29) male and female students in the experimental group, and (29) male and female students in the control group. The researcher conducted parity between the two research groups in the variables (chronological age calculated in months, and parents’ academic achievement).

     To reach the results of the research and test its hypotheses, the researcher prepared a tool. The tool was an achievement test consisting of (20) multiple-choice items, and the researcher verified its psychometric properties.

The researcher taught the experimental and control research groups. After completing the experiment, the researcher applied the research tool, collected data, and analyzed it statistically using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS).

 The search results showed the following:

  • There is a statistically significant difference at the significance level (0.05) between the average scores of the experimental group students who studied according to the proposed teaching model according to the response criticism theory and the average scores of the control group students who studied according to the normal method in the post-achievement test, and in favor of the experimental group.
  • Teaching teaching methods according to the proposed model requires the teacher to make an effort to prepare lectures and use new skills and methods that help develop students’ curiosity and knowledge through the use of modern educational methods.

In light of this, the researcher made a number of recommendations related to the research results, including:

1- The possibility of adopting the proposed model according to the theory of response criticism in teaching the teaching methods course for the intermediate or preparatory school levels.

1- Conducting an experimental study aimed at the effectiveness of the proposed model according to the response criticism theory in students’ achievement according to the variables of gender and scientific specialization.

