The Role of the theory of Cognitive Flexibility in enhancing information literacy skills among students of the College of Basic Education - Sumer University


  • م.م. زمن كريم طاهر خليف العبودي جامعة سومر Author


   The current research aims to identify the role of cognitive flexibility theory in enhancing information literacy skills among students of the College of Basic Education - Sumer University. To achieve this, the two researchers chose the descriptive, correlational approach, and the research sample consisted of (120) male and female students from the first grades teacher department for the academic year (2023-2024), and the research tools were the cognitive flexibility scale, consisting of


(12) items, and the information literacy skills scale (prepared by the researcher), consisting of (24) distributed over four areas: (access to information, organizing information, using information, evaluating information) and showed Results: The students of the College of Basic Education - First Years Teacher Department  do not cognitive flexibility , as the calculated T-value reached (1.06), which is less than the tabular value of (1.98) at a significance level of (0.05), and there was no significant difference. Statistical significance at the level of (0.05) for cognitive flexibility according to the gender variable (males - females), where the F value reached (1.315) at the level of statistical significance (0.82), which is higher than the specified value (0.05), and that the students of the College of Basic Education They possess information literacy skills in a comprehensive way, because all the skills were high because all the calculated T-values are greater than the tabular value of (1.980), at a degree of freedom (121), and a significance level (0.05), and there is a strong positive and statistically significant correlation between the theory Cognitive flexibility and information literacy skills if the calculated t value reaches (3.09), which is greater than the tabular value (1.96).

  The research recommended the necessity of raising the level of information literacy of university students, equipping them with information literacy skills, and promoting, developing and innovating modern scientific methods and means to spread the theory of cognitive flexibility among students.

