Priests in Roman countries "Salii priests are a model"


  • مؤيد مجيد محمد المديرية العامة لتربية ميسان Author


سالي، ساليون، كاهن، كهنة، روما، نوما بومبيليوس


    Rome's priestly system was renowned for its extreme organization and perfection. Since the ancient Roman society was believed to be highly religious, the priests in this category—the priests—represent the means of communication between the common people and the gods. In public prayers, however, one of the four priestly colleges or sects—Pontifices, Augur, Quindecimviri sacris faciundis, and Epulones—performed the role of the priest. These colleges were overseen by the High Priest, who was selected by the Centenary Assembly in Rome. Since they might enroll and withdraw at any time, all Rome residents were eligible to join these universities.  It should be mentioned that the state employed these institutions as one of its instruments to further political or religious objectives. The Sali priests belonged to one of the sects that was in charge of performing additional duties and responsibilities in addition to those colleges.

