The Psychological Warfare In the Akkadian Period


  • مهدي ناهي مطير العقيلي وزارة التربية مديرية الرصافة الثانية Author


   The weapon of psychological warfare is considered one of the most important weapons that man has used throughout his human journey. It is the weapon that man has not abandoned in all his wars and conflicts, even though he has abandoned many physical weapons due to the development of the manufacture of these weapons in terms of manufacturing materials, technologies and modernizations that... It is intervened on from time to time, while the weapon of psychological warfare has maintained its importance in wars. This is only because of man’s awareness of the importance of this weapon and its ability to defeat the enemy, sometimes even before the military war begins.

   The Akkadian state, as one of the oldest states that established its ruling system over a wide area and vast lands, is one of the oldest states that realized the importance of using the weapon of psychological warfare in order to instill fear and horror in the hearts of its enemies and force them to surrender and submit, and it is not strange for the people of Mesopotamia who had a foothold. The first to advance the ladder of human civilization is that they are the builders and builders of civilization. Their cultural discoveries were not limited to civil and peaceful issues, but rather went beyond it to the military aspects in terms of systems, plans, armament, and military organization from which most other countries took, the most


important of which are methods of psychological dealing, influencing the enemy’s morale, and breaking his will in order to Winning the outcome of the war.

