Protecting the environment from pollution in accordance with international law


  • حسن دنيف شرشاب جامعة سومر Author


       International cooperation in this field has produced many recommendations and decisions and many international conventions that are concerned with environmental protection, and we have a significant momentum of international conventions aimed at combating pollution and preserving the environment, as it inspired the enthusiasm of jurists to develop studies and research, especially since the protection of the international environment poses many legal problems at the international and global levels, and little by little this led to the emergence of a branch of law concerned with environmental protection called the International Environmental Law.

      The natural disasters to which the seas, oceans and rivers have been subjected have been dumped from chemical waste, factory and mine waste, accidents involving ships and oil tankers or high seas exploration, and the soil has not been spared from waste contaminated with radioactive materials, which has negatively affected human, animal and plant life, at a time when the air was not immune from


 human-induced damage as a result of nuclear explosions, factory fumes and random burning of waste.

       All these facts have led the international community to conclude that the environment  has become in real danger and it has become necessary to give priority to the environment with protection, and the development of a special law to reduce the increasing risks threatening the environment, and the subject has become on the agenda of international organizations and global conferences as a result of the growing awareness by governments, States and their peoples of the close link between facing the challenge and the future of the earth and man with it.

