International Mechanisms for Child Protection in Crises and their Impact on Iraqi legislation


  • حميدة علي جابر الركابي وزارة التعليم العالي والبحث العلمي/ الدائرة القانونية Author


الازمات ، حقوق الطفل، مستقبل الطفولة


   Children are the leaders of the future, rather they are the future, and they are the hope for building a dignified homeland. Therefore, childhood should be the safe period for growth, learning and play, and filled with an abundant share of love, care and protection, until its full capabilities are developed. However, at least a quarter of the world’s children do not enjoy this Rights, although this is the case of children in the world, according to several reports, the suffering of children in Iraq, which has been exhausted by wars, is cruller and suffering.

The current century has witnessed the emergence of many international agreements and governmental and non-governmental organizations, which have taken a number of strategies to protect children in crises. Several resolutions and declarations for the protection of children have emerged from the United Nations, and Iraq has developed several legislation and strategies for child protection, and despite all international efforts and their repercussions On the internal Iraqi legislation, but the suffering of children and the danger surrounding them still exists.

In the new democratic Arab and European countries, feminist movements play an important role in societies. These movements seek to change corrupt systems and challenge social structures in Morocco and other countries. In order to control these movements and present a positive image of the treatment of women, governments establish laws and rights that enhance women's rights and make the country appear


advanced, but they may not significantly affect women's reality , Feminist movements in Morocco mainly focus on these laws and seek to include their agenda in legislation, but the authorities ignore these demands and refuse to recognize their initiatives. Consequently, the activity of feminist movements is restricted and the government attempts to contain any feminist movements that threaten the existing order ,This strategy is part of the government's efforts to limit the influence of the feminist movement, and has been used in several historical cases in Morocco. Governments must recognize women's rights and support their efforts, rather than trying to suppress their voices and restrict their activism.

