The concept of tolerance, its importance and its role in spreading the culture of tolerance among students, is presented and studied


  • زهراء الكناني مسلمة Author


     nullThis research aims to explain tolerance, its importance and its role in building the pillar of civilizations Tolerance recognizes the universal human rights and fundamental freedoms of others. Since people are diverse by nature, only tolerance can ensure the survival of mixed societies in every region of the world. Tolerance is a beautiful opportunity for people to start over, declaring love and raising the slogan of humanity and forgiveness. The greatest characteristic of a person is forgiveness, as it is a quality that indicates transcendence, high morals, humanity, and generosity. Every person who forgives others gives him a great opportunity in life, perhaps making him better than he was before. Therefore, we must all call for tolerance


 because it makes the whole society better, as God (Glory be to Him) desires. ranks when he urged them to restrain their anger and forgive people, and God made these servants of His servants among the companions of Paradise, and immortalized their qualities in His Book, and He said - Glory be to Him -: (And those who pardon people). His Book: (The recompense for an evil is an evil like it, so whoever pardons and makes amends, his reward is due from God), so he who deals with God sincerely and with a desire for what is with Him, then pardons His servants and is good to them and has mercy on them; He will have reward and pardon from God Almighty

