Reality and imagination in the novel Daughters of Ghaib, Touma Farman, by the novelist Khudair Falih Al-Zaidi


  • ا.د. ضياء غني العبودي جامعة ذي قار كلية التربية للعلوم الانسانية Author


      The novel "Girls of the Absent Toma Farman" by Khudair Falih Al-Zaidi is one of the modern novels that relied on the elements of reality and imagination. It starts from reality to surprise the reader by entering the region of the wondrous, which is characterized by breaking the horizon of expectation, as it has an element of surprise and tension. It relies on the elements of presence and absence, presence The real and the presence of the miraculous, and their alternation in absence and sometimes coexistence between them. Which creates a disparity in the reader’s mind between the real and its reception. Therefore, the research came to answer an important problem: How was the fictional text built from reality? How did he enter into the miracles? How were they paired? And the relationship of this to history, and was the return to history intended in order to find out some facts? Relying on the structural approach to analyzing the text, because the narrative arose in the shadows of structuralism.

