The Effect of the Tracesit model on the Achievement and Deductive thinking of second-year intermediate female students in a subject Social studies


  • سجى زكي وزارة التربية العراقية Author




      The current research aims to find out the effect of the TRAGESET model on the achievement and deductive thinking of second-year middle school female students in social studies experimental and control. According to this design, the research sample was randomly selected from the research community, which is represented by government middle schools in the district center and Al-Yamama Intermediate School for Girls intelligence, parental achievement, previous achievement in social studies Social studies for the second intermediate grade, and behavioral objectives were formulated for these the researcher built the two research tools, social studies consisting of (40) objective items of the multiple choice type with four alternatives. The second tool was In the test for developing inferential thinking about the subject, which in its final form consists of (35) items, and after applying the two research tools and analyzing the results obtained by the researcher statistically using Excel and SPSS, the results showed that the female students of the experimental group who studied according to the Trajeset model were superior to the female students of the group. Control subjects who studied according to the traditional method in testing achievement and deductive thinking.





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