Employing the Aesthetic Approach to Provide Female Students of the Fifth literary Grade with Islamic Values ​​of Refinement


  • يحيى عبد الجبار جامعة الموصل Author
  • الاستاذ الدكتورة ندى لقمان محمد امينالحبار جامعة الموصل Author


المدخل الجمالي ، قيم التهذيب الاسلامية


  The study was based on the experimental approach with two equal groups and a post-test, where the study sample consisted of (44) female students who were distributed into two groups. The first group represented the experimental group and its number of members was (20) female students who studied using the aesthetic approach, while the second group represented the control group and its number of members was ( 23) A female student studied using the usual method. The researchers prepared a tool to test the purifying values, consisting of (27) items. After applying the research tool later on the experimental and control research groups and conducting statistical analyses, the results showed that there was a statistically significant difference at the significance level (.05) between the average


scores. The experimental and control research groups in testing the acquisition of Islamic values of refinement, in favor of the.

Author Biography

  • الاستاذ الدكتورة ندى لقمان محمد امينالحبار, جامعة الموصل

    جامعة الموصل / كلية التربية للعلوم الانسانية / قسم علوم القران الكريم والتربية الاسلامية

    الاستاذ الدكتورة ندى لقمان محمد امين الحبار

    التخصص : طرئق تدريس علوم القران الكريم والتربية الاسلامية

