The Effect of the Strategy of the Milling Machine on the Expressive Performance of Fifth- Grade Students


  • مهند الجنابي جامعة سومر Author


    In order to verify this, the researcher referred to the automatic null hypothesis: there is no statistically significant difference at the level( 50.0) between the average achievement scores of the students of the experimental group who study the expression subject according to the strategy of the methodology, and the students of the control group who study the same subject in the usual way. The researcher randomly selected the star school for those in the center of the province of Babylon for the universe on his armpit, as the number of students reached (14) students, with a rate of (32) students in each of the experimental and control groups. , academic achievement of modesty, academic achievement of mothers, end- of- year exam scores for the Arabic language subject for the year (2022-The researcher prepared summative reports to measure the level of achievement of the students after


completing the experiment based on a scale, that the test be of an expressive subject, and its validity was confirmed after presenting it to a group of experts and arbitrators, and its stability was verified after applying it to a reconnaissance curse of a student consisting of 65 students. , and the correlation value was).

And analyzing the results, the researcher used the following statistical methods: the second test of two committees with two ends, two recruits, correlation coefficient (Pearson), arithmetic, stability of news, chi- square, difficulty equation, equation). In the light of these results, the researcher recommended a set of recommendations,

