The effect of reflecting the psychological approach in explaining the poetic lament of cities in Andalusian literature


  • أ.م.د جواد هادي حسين الفضلي باحث Author


     The lamentation of cities in Andalusia emerged as one of the purposes that flourished and was addressed by poets with interest. It reflects the echo of the calamities that befell Andalusia after the war of reconquest that the Christians led against the Islamic states in Andalusia. The fall of cities and kingdoms had a clear psychological impact on the poetry of Andalusian poets. They expressed their regret and crying in Their poems attribute the fall of the cities to several reasons that all came together at the same time, the result of which was that the enemy raided them


in their homeland, causing the entire fall of Andalusia to the hands of the Christians, and thus the fall of a great Islamic edifice that was the gateway through which Islamic sciences and knowledge were transmitted to Europe. Then the research touched on This purpose flourished and spread among poets due to the acceleration of political circumstances The research then dealt with the psychological approach and its dealings with decoding the literary text and examining the psychological impact on creating the poetic text and its ability to simulate the poetic occasion and depict it in the most wonderful images loaded with the poet’s thoughts and feelings towards those cities that fell into the hands of the Christians. Then the research was divided into three sections, the first of which dealt with Psychological mechanisms - love of the homeland - in lament for cities, which is one of the most important reasons that called for the spread of this purpose because of the Andalusian’s attachment to his homeland. In the end, the research dealt with religious psychological mechanisms in lament for cities and the impact of the loss of Andalusia and the absence of the star of the Islamic religion in it. As for the third, the research dealt with psychological mechanisms. For the Andalusians, in which we showed the impact of the fall of these cities and kingdoms on the psychology of the Andalusians and the horrific methods they witnessed as a result.

